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Cathode-Ray Tubes

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The cathode-ray tube played a major part in the last 60 years of the 20th century, through RDF (RADAR) we defended ourselves and through television we entertained ourselves. Along side these achievements were many other examples of the use of electron beams and fluorescent screens, most notably the oscilloscope.

However, Sir William Crookes developed the Crookes tube in 1879 and Performed the Maltese Cross experiment in 1887. In 1899 Jonathan Zenneck developed the Crookes tube and added timebase deflection. The electron was named by George J Stoney in 1891. Cossor made the first British examples of the Crooks tube in 1902 and became an major player in oscilloscope design and manufacture during the 20th century.

Collected here are the articles relating to the CRT within the museum. See also The AEI Electrons series and CRT Index.

Visual Tuning Indicator - October, 1933.

Cathode-Ray Tuning Indicator - October, 1936.

The Cathode-Ray Microscope - February, 1939.

Baird 'Telechrome' - October, 1944

More Service CRT Data - August, 1948.

BBC Television - December, 1948.

Radio Exhibition 1952 - October, 1952.

Storage Cathode-Ray Tube - February, 1953.

Radio Exhibition 1953 - October, 1953.

Optics of Projection TV - October, 1953.

Focusing Cathode Rays - March, 1954.

The Cathode-Ray Tube - August, 1955.

Glassware for TV CRTs - September, 1955.

Radio Exhibition 1955 - October, 1955.

New Tubes for Old - May, 1958.

110° Scanning Advert - January, 1959.

Electronic Typesetting - February, 1971.

Sinclair Microvision CRT - October, 1976.

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