CV1075Sensibly equivalent¶ to:See also:
This CV1075 is a late (1960s) version of the famous KT66. The electrode structure is slightly different and the carbonized wash on the inside of the glass has been omitted. Note the thick copper grid supports with cooling fins at the top, essential to stop the grid wires getting hot enough to emit electrons.This very well known audio output beam tetrode valve, is shown in service livery.The figures given are for single ended use, but a pair run in ultra linear AB2 push pull will deliver 50 Watts with 2% distortion. It is not uncommon to find these valves used in parallel push pull. Here each single valve of the push pull pair is replaced with two valves connected in parallel. A 100 W amplifier results.The shape of the envelope is a mixture of the classic shape and the wide tube. The anode is a carbonized sheet box. The beam plates are visible as bright metal seen through the slot in the side of the anode.The classic envelope diameter is 48 mm and, excluding the IO base pins, is 111 mm tall.References: Data-sheet, 1004, 1005 & 1040. |
Pin Connections
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | m | h | a | g2 | g1 | nc | h | k,bp |
Absolute Maximum Operating Conditions¶
| Vh | Ah | Va | Vs | Vg | mAa | mAs | ra | gm | Pout | D |
| 6.3 | 1.27 | 250 | 250 | -15 | 85 | 6.3 | 22.5k | 6.3 | 7.25 | 9% |
Updated October 09, 2013.