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Douglas Huxtable Valve Collection

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Terry Huxtable donated his father's collection of valves, CRT's and Radio Constructor magazines.
After service in India, Douglas worked first as a draftsman, but then as a designer of electronic circuits during the 1950s at Radio Gramophone Development (RGD) and Regentone in Romford, Essex.
Also in the 1950s, he also worked on the design of ERNIE, one of the first computers, that was created to generate random numbers for the selection process of the national Premium Bond draw.
He was always interested in the cutting-edge and fast-developing technologies of the day, and his career included working in the plastics industry in the 50s and early 60s, later concluding in the field of work study during the 1960s and 70s. Ill health sadly enforced early retirement.
He was a life-long audiophile and enthused in applying his technical expertise in designing, building and using audio equipment. He built up a vast collection of big band music that he loved. With the first tape recorders that he built he was able to capture rare family moments on tape during years in which most families didn't have access to recording equipment.
He left many items of electronics memorabilia that survived in the storeroom of the house still lived in by his children. The valves he accumulated in his one-time working stock that now form this collection (donated to the National Valve Museum in July 2012) date from the 1940s, 50s and 60s and include two early radarscopes.
Douglas passed away in 1996 aged 70.
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