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Sensibly equivalent to:
2L2 KY50 U47
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Valves and their Habits
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The U25 is a dedicated television EHT rectifier for picture tube supplies. The rectifier is rated at 19 kV peak inverse volts, and this suggests an output voltage suitable for a 12 inch black and white tube of say 16 kV.
The valve is also rated for sine wave use, and in this case an input voltage of 9,500 Volts would be the maximum. The reservoir capacitor would need a value of 0.001 µF or less. In practice the capacitor would be formed between the internal and external graphite coatings on the picture tube itself.
The valve construction follows conventional practice in that the anode is bell shaped and there is a considerable separation between the cathode and the anode. The valve has flying leads so that it can be fitted directly across the line output transformer, where it would also derive its filament supply.
The cathode connects to the support that goes to the top heater connection.
The thin glass tube envelope is 17 mm in diameter and is 54 mm in length not including the length of the wires.
References: Data-sheet & 1040.


Absolute Maximum Operating Conditions
Thanks to Frank Philipse for supplying the above PDF datasheet.
Updated July 25, 2021.
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