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Sensibly equivalent to:
NE19 VX3026
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The CV263 is a gas filled power indicator designed for powers up to 1 kW at X-band frequencies of 9.375 GHz ± 0.5 GHz. The prototype was the VX3026. The main gas in the tube is neon.
The images of the CV236 and associated absorbtion wattmeter were sent by David Wrigley G6GXK as was the additional data. The background grid is of 5mm squares.
The wattmeter has a round WG16 flange that as part of the UK radar test kit no. 32 fitted into a 12dB cross coupler and load assembly. The wattmeter tube is calibrated 150 to 900 Watts. With the cross coupler pulses of up to 10kW could be measured.
The CV263 with the silver plated wattmeter. The grooves in the waveguide flange form a choke to prevent leakage of RF.
The window side of the wattmeter.
The wattmeter scale with the tube within.
The thin glass tube envelope is 3.7 mm in diameter, and including the base is 119 mm tall.
Reference: Data-sheet.


Absolute Maximum Operating Conditions
General Notes
Thanks to Frank Philipse for supplying the above PDF datasheet.
Updated January 12, 2017.
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