866Sensibly equivalent¶ to:See also:
Strictly speaking the '10E/' and '110E/' designations added to the valve were WWII RAF Stores identities rather than valve types. No doubt boots, berets and ration packs all had identities in the same universal system. The valve shown above looks like an American Type 866 (MV) rectifier rated at 250 mA and 10 kV PIV.Visual inspection shows spots of mercury on the inside of the envelope and identifies this as a half wave mercury vapour rectifier. The spacing of the electrodes and the ceramic top cap insulator all point to a voltage rating of 1000 Volts plus.The classic envelope is 55 mm in diameter and, excluding the UX4 base pins, is 150 mm tall.References: Private Communication & data-sheet. Type 866 was first introduced in 1938. See also 1938 adverts. |
Pin Connections
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | tc | f | ic | ic | f | a |
Absolute Maximum Operating Conditions¶
| Vh | Ah | Va | mAa |
| 2.5 | 5.0 | 2650 | 500 |
Updated August 11, 2017.